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Prenatal Obstetric Care


Prenatal, obstetric care involves medical check-ups, follow-ups, and screening tests to ensure that the mother and her baby are healthy during pregnancy. Dr Benecke will educate and counsel new mothers on how to handle different aspects of the pregnancy as well as issues such as physical activity, healthy eating, and screening tests and what to expect during labour and delivery.

What does prenatal care involve?

Regular check-ups are essential during pregnancy to keep both mother and baby healthy, detect problems that may occur and treat issues to ensure safe delivery. Routine check-ups occur once each month from weeks four to twenty-eight during pregnancy. Check-ups will increase twice each month from weeks twenty-eight to thirty-six and will occur weekly till birth from week thirty-six. It is essential to consider taking newborn care classes before delivery.

During this crucial time, it’s essential to eat a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, lean meat and whole grains. Washing your hands frequently and avoiding raw meat as well as unpasteurised cheese helps reduce the risk of a complicated pregnancy.

What is a high-risk pregnancy?

High blood pressure, depression, diabetes, premature labour and congenital disabilities contribute to a high-risk pregnancy leading to early delivery.

The following factors contribute to a high-risk pregnancy:

  • Women at a very young age or older than thirty-five
  • Underweight, overweight or obese
  • A history of miscarriage
  • High blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes, cancer or HIV
  • Pregnancy with multiple babies/li>

What are a few of the causes of a high-risk pregnancy?

Gestational diabetes can occur during pregnancy, increasing the chances of complications arising from the high-risk pregnancy. Women diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy are at a high risk of developing diabetes type 2 later during their lifetime. Children who are exposed to hyperglycaemia in the womb are more likely to become overweight or obese with increased risk of diabetes type 2. Pregnant women need to monitor and control their blood glucose levels, follow a healthy diet and exercise routine plan to reduce the risk of an adverse pregnancy.

Preeclampsia may occur in pregnant women after the 20th week of pregnancy, causing high blood pressure and kidney damage. Women with preeclampsia develop symptoms of headaches, swelling hands and face and increased amounts of protein in their urine.

The baby is protected from illnesses such as the common cold or a stomach bug, but some infections can be harmful to the baby and may result in a complicated pregnancy. An overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina leads to bacterial vaginosis and has been linked to premature birth and underweight babies. Women must undergo screening tests for bacterial vaginosis and take antibiotics to treat the infection.

Mothers infected with cytomegalovirus (CMV) can pass the disease to their babies during pregnancy. Cytomegalovirus in babies can cause loss of hearing, eyesight and lead to other disabilities. The mother needs to practise good hygiene to prevent the contraction of CMV as cytomegalovirus trial vaccines are still underway.

Ultimately, Dr Benecke has the knowledge and expertise to keep you and your baby healthy and will manage high-risk pregnancies with medication using ultrasound surveillance to monitor your cervical length.

Specialised Services

While Dr Benecke is a gynaecologist & obstetrician offering the full range of women's health services, his niche lies in the treatment and management of the following gynaecological conditions:


Due to the complexity of the diagnosis, Dr Benecke is meticulous during each consultation and using a multidisciplinary approach he can provide highly specialised treatment and management of this condition as well as the related symptoms such as chronic pelvic pain and the complication of infertility.



Sharing similar symptoms to that of endometriosis, fibroids are growths that develop on the uterus. The size of fibroids can range, growing from the size of a pea to the size of a watermelon, distorting the uterus and causing disabling symptoms.



Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that disrupts oestrogen production and causes an imbalance of the male hormones, androgens. PCOS causes disruption of the menstrual cycle leading to complications such as severe abnormal uterine bleeding, the development of numerous fluid-filled cysts in the ovaries and infertility.