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A reproductive life plan helps women who are sexually active set reproductive goals depending on their health, financial stability, and level of education, pre-existing health conditions, fertility, life partners’ opinions and personal beliefs and values. Infertility poses a problem when couples attempt to conceive, and a slight modification to a fertility plan can increase the chances of conception.

When are you most fertile?

Ovulation increases a woman's basal body temperature that is usually the temperature at rest when rising in the morning. Women can predict their most fertile days by recording their basal body temperate daily for several months. Fertility also depends on changes in the cervical mucous as women are most fertile a day after their menstrual cycle at the first sign of wetness. Vaginal mucous increases as the egg forms and on the first sign of moisture, the cervical mucous becomes more slippery and clear like uncooked egg whites indicating a woman's most fertile moment that will increase the chances of pregnancy.

If I’m infertile, what other forms of fertilisation are available?

In some cases, infertility outweighs the possibility of conception and couples seek scientifically-proven fertility treatment measures to help improve their chances of conception. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation is considered a viable fertility option, but it's expensive and considered a fertility treatment for the elite who are desperate to conceive. An estimated average cost of egg freezing in South Africa amounts to R25 000 per cycle about half the price of a laparoscopy which amounts to R50 000 that most medical aids don't cover if no medical condition is cited. Cryopreservation and an additional procedure to transplant tissue incur added costs.

Couples can turn to other assisted reproductive technology (ART) such as in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) that involves manually combining an extracted egg with retrieved sperm to help in the process of fertilisation. IVF is used to help infertile couples to conceive and is commonly used for patients with blocked fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids, ovulation disorders and genetic disorders.

What does a preconception check-up involve?

Before pregnancy, it is vital for couples to undergo a thorough check-up and to have blood tests done to check rubella immunity because immunisation is needed if the test turns up negative. Couples need to wait at least three months before conceiving as exposure to rubella during the initial stage of pregnancy can affect the baby's health. Couples also need to be screened for genetic problems such as sickle cell anaemia or Tach-Sachs disease.

Dr Benecke will modify treatment plans and prescribe medicine for women with diabetes, seizure disorders, inherited diseases and high blood pressure. Taking multivitamin supplements is necessary for the baby's development. It helps prevent spina bifida, a congenital disability in which the baby's spinal cord does not develop properly.

Specialised Services

While Dr Benecke is a gynaecologist & obstetrician offering the full range of women's health services, his niche lies in the treatment and management of the following gynaecological conditions:


Due to the complexity of the diagnosis, Dr Benecke is meticulous during each consultation and using a multidisciplinary approach he can provide highly specialised treatment and management of this condition as well as the related symptoms such as chronic pelvic pain and the complication of infertility.



Sharing similar symptoms to that of endometriosis, fibroids are growths that develop on the uterus. The size of fibroids can range, growing from the size of a pea to the size of a watermelon, distorting the uterus and causing disabling symptoms.



Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that disrupts oestrogen production and causes an imbalance of the male hormones, androgens. PCOS causes disruption of the menstrual cycle leading to complications such as severe abnormal uterine bleeding, the development of numerous fluid-filled cysts in the ovaries and infertility.